Resonant Sound Therapy in Action
May 30, 2013 01:19PM ● By Dr. Lance Morris
Dr. Lance Morris
In a first session of Resonant Sound Therapy (RST), Dr. Lance J. Morris, the developer of RST, does seven things. While a fully clothed patient is lying on their belly, he has them make a specific vocal tone. He then makes a complex resonant vocal overtone to induce a body harmonic while touching the patient’s back in a circular, rhythmic, vibrating manner.
1) Holding one hand on the sacrum/tailbone and one hand on the occiput/base of skull, he balances the sacro-occipital pump.
2) Continuing to hold one hand on the sacrum and moving the other to the top of the skull, he continues to balance the cranio-sacral pump.
3) Placing both hands in the center of the back, while “grounded; touching the Earth,” he makes a counter-clockwise spiral with one hand, inducing the in-flow of qi/life force. With the other hand, he makes a clockwise spiral inducing the out-flow of qi. These dual spirals form a mobius. This is a figure-eight twisted in three dimensions that looks like an infinity symbol.
4) Moving to the feet and holding the acupuncture point kidney one, he moves the counter-clockwise Earth qi through the entire acupuncture and chakra systems.
5) Hitting the back and using the body as a drum, in a rhythmic manner he modulates/changes the frequency/speed and amplitude/wave form size of qi moving in and out of the body to optimize energetic equilibrium.
6) Now having the patient roll over, at the level of the solar plexus he places one hand on top and one below. First, he brings perceptual awareness of fascia; the connective tissue membrane connected everywhere through which qi flows, from the front to the back and the back to the front. He then expands this perception to a connected band around the entire body. At this point, he identifies the presence of a double helix of white light between his hands through the patient’s body. This helix is formed as the mobius tightens. Qi passing through the body fascia releases it to induce and accelerate both healing and expanded consciousness.
7) The session is closed by again balancing the cranio-occipital pump.
Morris received a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, psychology and fine arts from the University of Arizona, in Tucson,. He received a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from Bastyr University, in Seattle, Washington. He is a past president of the Arizona Naturopathic Medical association and a founding board member of the SW College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Tempe. Morris is the medical director of Wholistic Family Medicine and author of the book, The Edge and Beyond: A Journey for Personal Self-Discovery, Awakening and Healing. He is the developer of RST; Resonant Sound Therapy and RMM; Resonant Movement Meditation.
Morris is available for free, one-hour public lecture/demonstrations to groups or organizations by request. He also offers a four-hour workshop primarily geared for body or energy workers to teach these seven RST techniques. The cost is $75 and requires a minimum of 10 participants.
For more information, call 520-322-8122 or visit