Sunrise Memorial Service at TMC

Beyond-Tucson is a community-wide event to commemorate and celebrate loved ones injured and lost in the tragic events of January 8. As the opening event of Beyond-Tucson, several artists from the Tucson community will collaborate to create a sunrise meditation service at 7:15 a.m., January 7, at the labyrinth at Peppi’s House, on the campus of Tucson Medical Center.
The meditation begins at dawn, with the beat of a “mother drum,” as people arrive at the labyrinth. As the sun rises, Tibetan bowls will ring in the new day. The labyrinth path on this day represents our collective journey of remembrance, reflection, prayer, receiving and moving forward together with a new perspective.
Dancers and percussionists will represent this journey through improvised movement, percussion and poetry. The service concludes with upbeat interactive music making to celebrate our community and a musical procession to the TMC Health and Wellness Fair across the street.
The service is designed by Amy Barron-Gafford, creator of Peppi’s House Labyrinth and TMC Chaplain; and Sinde Rubiner, interactive rhythm and artist facilitator.
Location: TMC Campus, 5301 East Grant Rd., Tucson. Enter on Wyatt St. For more information, visit