Letter from the Publisher

Holly Baker
As spring is ushered in by warmer temperatures here across the desert floor, I look forward to spending more time outdoors with friends, getting my hands in the dirt a bit at home and attending the many holistic and green events happening across our great state at this time.
Look for several upcoming events sponsored by Natural Awakenings, including BE Tucson Women’s 5k Run/Walk and Men’s Mile, part of a morning-long celebration of women’s health and fitness on March 4, and The Water Festival on March 18. Consider coming out to support these events and please look us up!
This month’s Food and Garden edition ties in perfectly with a look at the broad trend of eating fresh, local and organic foods. We all see it in the growing numbers of Valley residents shopping at farmers’ markets and the ever-increasing number of markets that are opening and operating in just about every neighborhood. It’s exciting to see the amazing sense of community that develops among neighbors, while also establishing a personal connection with those individuals actually responsible for growing our fresh fruits, vegetables and more.
I was surprised to learn that the total number of markets across the country has skyrocketed from 1,755 in 1994 to 7,175 in 2011, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. We discuss the many reasons behind this surge in our main feature “Changing the Way America Eats” on page 26.
I’m just learning about aquaponics and its potential to produce, as many farmers suggest, twice as many plants per square foot as that of traditional farming, and twice as fast. Perhaps this phenomenon is as new to you as it is to me. I learned a ton from this month’s article by Tanner Jones, “Aquaponics is Natural by Design,” on page 36.
It seems I am surrounded more and more by friends and others paying more and more attention to what they eat and what actually nourishes them. With that, coupled with all the natural food choices and the never-ending resources in Tucson, I’ve never been more excited about eating!
Wishing you the best in dining and outdoor living this spring!