Become a Certified Hand Therapist

You can learn a modality that is just as effective as acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology in just one day. Hand therapy is easy to practice on yourself, as well as others. Nancy Clark, Ph.D., has taught this course around the world, and for the first time, she is offering it in Tucson.
A KHT Hand Therapy Certification class will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 pm., March 11. Students will learn to use micro meridians in the hands to quickly relieve pain, reduce stress and strengthen the body from chronic illness.
Hand therapy was discovered accidentally by an acupuncturist decades ago, and once he did his research, he could no longer practice traditional acupuncture. Changing the energy flowing in the micro meridians in the hands changes the body in seven seconds. Hand therapy is a fast way to relieve pain, reduce stress, strengthen the body against chronic illness and balance internal organs. It is more convenient than reflexology, as it can be practiced anywhere without others noticing. Hand therapy is an exceptional way to restore your health.
For information and reservations, call AZ Integrative Therapies at 520-721-0220.