New Book on Integrative Medicine

Nancy Clark, Ph.D.
The latest book from Nancy Clark, Ph.D., The Energy Healer’s Guide: An Integrative Medicine Program for Self Development and Teaching, addresses the transformative moment of seeing inside the body. The dark spot on the man’s chest is so distracting that she finds herself looking at it more often than into his eyes. Suddenly, Clark feels compelled to change this strange appearance so it will reflect the same light radiating from the rest of his body.
She observes that moving her hand over the dark area releases golden threads of energy, and Clark is unaware that anyone possesses this ability. Amazingly, she learns that his 20 years of suffering from chronic ulcers has been reversed in a few minutes.
After a decade of global teaching what has became known as “medical intuition,” it is apparent that this is a skill anyone can learn. People around the world have begun seeing inside the body without trying or ever intending to become healers.
The book is available at amazon. com. Contact the author via