Earn a Certificate in Coaching from Prescott College

The Lifelong Learning Center at Prescott College now awards one of only two professional certifications in coaching in the state of Arizona. Students may attend just one intensive weekend training and conference call each month in the Tucson area to become a trained and certified professional, practicing coaching in a variety of areas including executive coaching, leadership coaching, life coaching and others.
The certificate program includes six in-person weekend courses, five phone sessions in-between courses and interim self-paced experiential exercises. By the end of the certificate program, participants will be eligible to apply for the International Coaching Federation (ICF) associate coach certification (ACC).
Coaching is a transformational process in which a coach and a client partner together to support the client in attaining goals, facilitating breakthroughs and reaching their potential. Coaching is successfully used in a wide variety of professions, including teaching, business consulting, training, therapy, medical practice and management.
Tuition for the full certificate is $2,450 (prerequisites and additional fees apply). For more information, visit Tinyurl.com/PrescottCoachingCertificate.