Paws Cats is in a Pickle

The Pawsitively Cats (Paws Cats) nonprofit, no-kill cat shelter recently took in 300 cats and dogs from another shelter and many needed veterinary care and medication—a cost that Paws Cats absorbed.
Due to lagging summertime donations, this has caused a financial shortfall for the organization and Paws Cats is in critical need of financial contributions. Paws Cats rents their sanctuary space and pays for utility bills, litter, veterinary care and medication.
Donations are especially needed of scoopable litter, Friskies canned cat food, Kirkland brand (Costco) adult dry cat food, laundry detergent and bleach. All monetary contributions are tax-deductible.
The mission of Pawsitively Cats is to provide a quality living environment for their shelter to cats while they await adoption and provide education to schoolchildren about responsible pet ownership.
Supplies can be dropped off at 3255 N. Flanwill Blvd. For more information, call 520-289-2747. For more information or to donate funds, visit