IONS presents McLaughlin and Tejpal

Dr. Carrol McLaughlin and Tejpal
Dr. Carrol McLaughlin, a music professor and director of the harp program at the University of Arizona, and her associate, Tejpal, a gifted intuitive, kundalini yoga master and graduate of the Brennan School of Healing, will present an interactive lecture, The Anatomy of Intuition and Creativity, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., October 5, at Unity of Tucson (3617 North Camino Blanco), using the harp, yoga techniques, neurolinguistic programming and power performance principles to reach participants on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
They will also offer a hands-on workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., October 6, at Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation, (3182 North
Swan Road) to teach participants to deepen their intuitive and healing skills and their potential to manifest the life they truly desire, moment-to-moment. The cost is $50, and is limited to 25 participants.
For more information and registration, visit