Tucson Earth Day Festival, Parade and Water Festival

The 19th annual Tucson Earth Day Festival and Parade and fourth annual Water Festival are partnering to offer free community events from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 21, at Reid Park.
The festival and parade, which begins at 10 a.m., are most popular Earth Day events in Tucson, with more than 70 exhibitors that will share information about environmental programs and products. Afterward, check out the model solar car and house competition. Pets will be available for adoption.
The Water Festival, presented by the community arts organization Tucson Arts Brigade, raises awareness, promotes solutions and fosters creative expression about out water future and the health of our community. It promotes water and water-related topics such as sustainable energy, natural food, and holistic health.
The Water Festival features an exhibitor fair, workshops, performances, an art show, “The Vibe” live art happenings, a Design for Water Solutions Contest, a three-mile Walk for Water, and a mermaid in a wishing well.
For more information, call 520-206-8814, email TucsonEarth- [email protected] or visit TucsonEarthDay.org. For Water Festival information and registration, call 520-623-2119, email [email protected] or visit WaterFestivalTucson.org.