AIWC Annual Holiday Mixer

The Arizona Wellness Coalition (AIWA) will hold a festive holiday evening of friendly networking with industry professionals and entertainment from 6 to 8:30 p.m., December 10, at the Radisson Suites Tucson.
The Member Holiday Raffle is one of the highlights of the evening, along with a zany performance by the Improv Comedy Troupe in Not Burnt Out, Just Unscrewed. Just like the TV show, Who’s Line is it Anyway?, this band of funny people takes suggestions from the audience to instantly create hilarious improvised scenes right on the spot—no scripts allowed.
Location: 6555 East Speedway Blvd. If you are a current AIWC member and would like to donate goods or services for this year’s raffle, as well have your name/business in the holiday newsletter, contact [email protected].