Three New Courses from Linda Johns

Linda Johns will offer three new series that begin in January to assist participants in hearing, understanding and creating their heart’s desire. Johns states, “Just below the surface of the physical consciousness is a sacred space within each person. This sacred space houses a spark of energy that is just waiting for permission to be an expression for the greater good. This is the heart’s desire, and it may be sensed as a longing or even viewed as the soul’s purpose.”
For those interested in learning the healing arts, Awakening Your Intuitive Self provides an excellent foundation that builds upon itself, teaching awareness of our guides, chakras, auras and energy healing, for self or others.
If the desire is personal growth, Raising Your Vibration to 5-D taps into the unlimited wisdom and love of the heart of oneness, and gives skills and steps towards the mastery of being light.
The newest series, Opening to your Soul, promotes healing and understanding of karmic issues, patterns and relationships, as well as our mission and purpose and much more.
For more information, call 520-825-4645 or visit