Start the New Year at The Oasis

Natural Life Holistic Oasis (NLHO) is a one-stop wellness destination, featuring gentle chiropractic care, nutritional counseling, personal training in a private gym, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, Reiki, reflexology, energy balancing and Healing Touch. Other professional services available include psychotherapy (bilingual and family), business coaching and trauma and substance abuse counseling.
Practitioners also provide yoga and qigong classes in the onsite gym. Enjoy one service at a time or coordinate multiple appointments, bring a friend for a joint workout and then spend an afternoon on the comfortable shaded grounds.
Location: 7225 and 7235 N. Paseo del Norte, opposite Tohono Chul Park. For a complete list of practitioners and services or to schedule an appointment or purchase gift certificates, call 520-740-1718 or visit