First Direct Pay Cardiologist in Tucson

Dr. G. Mason Garcia
Dr. G. Mason Garcia, at Sunrise Cardiology, PLC, has been practicing cardiology in Tucson for more than 20 years is now its first direct pay cardiology practice.
Garcia says, “We are very pleased to offer the Tucson community another choice in taking control of their individual health. So many of us have experienced the restrictions of our health plans or the time constraints regimented at our doctor’s office. The average time spent face-to-face with our doctors is only five to seven minutes. In order to obtain better and more patient-driven health care, people need to take back the control of their health-care options, and our direct pay practice allows folks to do just that.”
Patients get a minimum of 30 minutes with the doctor and all new patients are scheduled for a full hour. Double-booking and rushing patients is not permitted and memberships are inclusive of all services.
Location: 2380 N. Ferguson, Ste. 100. For more information, call 520-207-0962, email [email protected] or visit See ad page 10.