Celebrating the Art of Life

Lynn Rae Lowe
As a life cycle celebrant, Lynn Rae Lowe’s role is to capture the essence of her clients’ hopes, and the richness of their memories in their story. Next, a ceremony with meaningful ritual is created, turning their dream into the reality they wish to share with those they love and support them. These non-denominational ceremonies have proven to be inspirational and set intention for any threshold moment in life, from cradle to grave.
As a sculptor, Lowe knows how to give form to something that begins as an idea. As a performer, she understands how flow enhances the message we want to share. As a life cycle celebrant, she has honed the ability to develop each journey into a meaningful story reflecting a unique passage.
Lowe offers a free consultation about creating a cherished ceremony. For more information, call 520-299-7900, email [email protected] or visit LynnRaeLowe.com. See ad page 16.