Face Your Own Music for a Personalized Sound Portrait

Suzanne Grosvenor
Pianist, composer, Sound Portrait music interpreter and owner of Music for Health and Wholeness Suzanne Grosvenor will be creating personalized Sound Portraits during January. She uses her unique ability to pick up messages from people and present it to them honestly as she hears it, improvising spontaneously. It is as if the music plays through her, uncensored and in its raw form.
Grosvenor states, “Facing one’s music for the very first time is often a deeply emotional experience. Coming face-to-face with our inner music has often brought on tears of joy and sadness, as well as hidden emotions. This truthful confrontation with ourselves helps us get centered in our core, and it is amazing to hear how many clients have since been able to help themselves out of trauma, grief, physical and psychological crisis. Not only that, they become more functional and productive as they continue to stay more in tune with their higher self just by setting time aside each day to listen to their sound portrait.”
For more information, call 520-229-6282, email [email protected] or visit MusicForHealth.net and SuzanneGrosvenor.com. See ad page 23.