The Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter Celebrates 50th Anniversary

The Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter, Tucson’s first no-cage, no-kill cat shelter is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Since 1965, The Hermitage has been dedicated to the rescue, protection, adoption and care of unwanted felines in Southern Arizona. It is also a well-known sanctuary for cats with FIV (feline immune-deficiency virus), FeLV (feline leukemia virus) or other special medical needs. Recently accredited by the American Sanctuary Association, The Hermitage complies with a variety of high standard animal welfare requirements.
The Hermitage regularly rescues felines from municipal shelters such as Pima Animal Care, Pinal County Animal Care and Sierra Vista Animal Shelter. Between 2013 and 2014, The Hermitage rescued almost 700 felines from local “kill” shelters and found homes for approximately 75 percent. Most, if not all of these cats were scheduled for euthanasia.
Each cat entering the Hermitage has a home until adopted or death; and no animal is ever euthanized to make space, or out of convenience. To this day, The Hermitage is committed to this mission and their entire philosophy embraces that idea. The Hermitage follows the 11 tenets prescribed in a “No-Kill” philosophy, and has created several programs with the southern Arizona feline and human population in mind, providing humane traps and Trap-Neuter-Return training for the community.
In addition, because no pet should be relinquished due to a temporary hardship, the Hermitage offers pet food through their “Food for People’s Pets” pantry program to under-served or at-risk pet owners in Tucson.
For 50 years every person that has been associated with the Hermitage-from staff, donors, volunteers and adopters-has been committed to a shared purpose and worked collectively to save thousands of the unloved and abandoned felines of southern Arizona. While the work is not complete, it has certainly moved our community toward a more humane society.
The Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter and Sanctuary. For more information, call Lee Bucyk, Executive Director at 520-571-7839, email [email protected],
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