Life Coach Offers Specialty Workshop on Body Language

Dr. Tomas Sepulveda of ALAS Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy is holding a six-hour workshop called Body Language: All Things Are Not What They Seem, on April 25th. This workshop focuses on reading and understanding body language. Sepulveda shows how he uses his knowledge of body language to see beyond what a client is saying. As a Life Coach, he works to help clients refocus to identify and attain their life goals for greater vitality, experience and fulfillment.
Every person is different and has a unique set of circumstances, goals, desire for change, abilities and interests as well as habits of self-sabotage. Life Coaching is inherently dynamic and personal and can help free the mind of negative thoughts and feelings, inducing a calm, more confident, relaxed and successful approach to many life situations. People automatically and hypnotically respond to situations in the same way, sometimes even when the response is no longer relevant or appropriate. Over time, they often forget why they chose their initial reaction.
A life coach can help dehypnotize a client so he can make choices that are more conscious and learn to live and excel in the moment. Hypnotherapist are the guides that can help create a space in which a client feels comfortable to make the necessary changes that lead to greater success, love, peace and contentment. With hypnosis, the process of accepting and instituting change is much quicker.
Location: 6510 E. 22nd St., Tucson. For more information, or to register, call 520-885-0575, email [email protected], or visit Cost is $99 and pre-registration is required. The first ten people that register seven days in advance and mention Natural Awakenings will receive a 50 percent discount. See ad page 11.