Sales Training Talk With Don Zavis

Don Zavis
Don Zavis, a national sales trainer of Don Zavis & Associates, gave a sales training talk to 30 business people—many advertisers in Natural Awakenings, compliments of Holly Baker, publisher of the Tucson edition—on August 12, at Borderlands Brewery.
The hour-long presentation taught attendees how to brand their persona with an emblematic symbol that delivers a direct or implied promise, how to “walk your talk” and be the example of the value of their product. His overarching advice was to work with people who say yes.
Zavis talked about the distinction between marketing, advertising and sales. He presented methods on how to offer a sample of services, be known as an expert and become a media personality. He answered questions from, “How do I get paid what I want to charge?” to “What do I do when people say no?” His quick responses centered on working with people who will pay the price and want what is being offered.
For more information on the unique promotional opportunities available in Natural Awakenings Magazine, contact Holly Baker at 520-760-2378 or
email [email protected].