Working Together

Our theme this month is “Working Together”, with a look at the health of our environment, health of our communities and our individual responsibilities for the health of the planet.
In thinking about my small sphere, specifically this magazine, I am reminded of how grateful I am for our current team, for everyone who has a hand in getting Natural Awakenings Tucson out the door every month. I am so grateful for every single team member—our synergy and collaboration, the good feelings we have toward one another, our honest communication (despite working remotely) and the fact that we can count on each other.
Our current team is a well-oiled machine, but it hasn’t always been that way. In fact, it’s been a journey getting to this place—a journey of well over five years. While I have always felt completely supported by our wonderful franchise headquarters, the magazine now runs even if I am gone for a few days or even longer. In the beginning, it was mostly me doing it all with a bare-bones team.
It was my goal for several years to step out of managing all of the details and focus on the big vision of the magazine: how to best get our message out to the greatest number of individuals hungry for our leading-edge, life-enhancing, life-promoting content, and how to best serve our supporters through stronger, deeper relationships with innovative new tools and options.
Thanks to a talented and hardworking marketing, writing, editing and layout crew, my goal has been achieved.
A big, wide-hearted shout-out and acknowledgement for our team,
Holly Baker, publisher