Energetic Transformation on a Cellular Level with Lifeforce Renewal

Using Lifeforce Renewal, one can shift and raise vibrational frequencies to attract what they need and want. Remove karmic cycles, transmute core patterns that are continually repeated, access personal power and blast through doubts for clear visions. Crystal Reiki, essential oils and numerology charts clear emotional issues to attain a more peaceful, prosperous life.
Reiki is a system of hands-on healing, providing deep relaxation, pain relief, peace and balancing of the seven chakra centers. A Reiki attunement is a symbolic ceremony stating one’s intention to move forward into love and light.
With essential oils and Breath of Life deep breathing techniques, patients are able to reverse the acid polarity in their DNA through inhalation and direct application, stimulating emotional cleansing and renewal, releasing past trauma and reconnecting with the divine self.
Healing of emotional, physical, mental and etheric bodies opens us up to direct connection with our higher self, the consciousness expands, transforming us to reach new levels of prosperity, joy, health and peace.
Patrice St Clair is a Reiki Master Teacher, numerologist and aromatherapist at Lifeforce Renewal. She is well known for her work on a global level for environmental sustainability and protection of the indigenous people’s sacred ways. For more information, call 949-412-5127, email [email protected] or visit LifeforceRenewal.net.