Proper Pet Nutrition

Awareness of what we feed our pets and their health is important. Good nutrition gives pets additional strength to ward off most diseases, while bringing balance and vitality to their everyday living. Investing in their food and supplements now will save us money in the long run, by having lower lifetime veterinary bills.
Here are some steps to take to ensure that pets are receiving the best possible nutrition.
• Read the labels on dog food. Look for animal protein identified by species and whole-food ingredients at the top of the list.
• Supplement food with vitamins, minerals and herbs—even raw and homemade food. The farming in the last century has depleted the soil so that our food is not as nutritionally rich as it was it the past. Therefore, our pets need additional help to have a fully balanced, healthy diet.
• Periodically, change up pets’ food. They need a different mix of nutrients occasionally to support their best overall health. The timing would vary by pet, but a good suggestion is every six months.
• Observe the pet when food is changed to note their general, overall health. Look especially for allergic reactions like scratching or oozing eyes and loose stool.
Learn more about pet nutrition and health care. One good book with a lot of great information is Three Simple Steps to Healthy Pets: The Holistic Animal Care Lifestyle by Lisa S. Newman.
Animal Ally of Arizona is a provider of natural services for canines and other animals. Owner Nancy McDonald is certified in canine massage and is a reiki master. Connect at 520-591-2950 or [email protected]. See ad, page 8.