Realizing Endless Bliss with Bentinho Massaro

Bentinho Massaro
Bentinho Massaro will host a weekend workshop from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., both May 6 and 7, at Poco Diabalo Resort. The theme of the workshop is “How to Realize Endless Bliss”, and will include meditation, self-realization and transformation.
Massaro will answer questions using clear pointers and practical approaches. A decent portion of this weekend satsang/gathering will consist of extended periods of powerful silent vastness pervading the room, making it significantly easier to drop into one’s True Self. In between each silent session, Massaro will clarify the Direct Path to Eternal Bliss and how we can actually make this our daily lived reality. A Q&A will be included, as well as help to clarify how best to navigate around the challenges that may come up during continued practice of deepening into the Bliss of the True Self.
This weekend retreat will be both a fresh start for those new to Massaro’s self-realization path, as well as to those already familiar with how he has taught this path in the past few years. He has changed his emphasis and some of the wordings now to tailor to the adept who truly want to attain the bliss of realization.
Cost: Sliding scale starts at $99. Location: Poco Diablo Resort, Coconino National Forest, 1752 AZ-179, Sedona. For more information, visit