Hurricane Irma Imperils Healing Horses

Tootsie and Emily
Flying Change Equine Therapy, in Atlanta, is an internationally recognized program that partners rescued horses in therapy with children, teens, adults and families healing from traumas like childhood neglect and abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, natural disasters and the trauma of war and combat. In a study of their services, 82 percent of teens improved more in just five, one-hour sessions of equine assisted psychotherapy than they had in two years of traditional talk psychotherapy.
Hurricane Irma’s winds hit the farm full force, leaving behind a minimum of $20,000 in damages to the covered therapy barn and arena. The organization needs immediate help in any form—volunteers to help repair and rebuild, donations of building materials and cash donations.
It is important to mention that many of those in need of Flying Change’s services are least able to afford treatment. The program has never turned away a client they believed they could help based on the inability to pay. Flying Change relies on the support and generosity of the community and needs assistance now more than ever.
Location: 4680 Polo Lane SE, Atlanta GA. To donate, visit