Ultraslim Emotional Eating Weight-Loss Program

Medicine Wheel Dental and Wellness will host a Thyroid and Weight-Loss Seminar, at 10 a.m., September 8. Dr. Dave Stender, of Ultraslim Arizona, will be discussing the benefits of the Ultraslim light, thyroid and weight-loss issues. Ultraslim light is FDA-approved and is proven to burn fat on the subcutaneous level, restore and increase collagen, tighten the skin and lose inches each session, easily and painlessly.
Also participating in the discussion are Meryl Hershey Beck, author of Stop Eating Your Heart Out and creator of SourceTapping, and Robin Trainer, a renowned emotional trauma transformational therapist. Both ladies are experts in this field, helping heal clients with eating disorders and other emotional traumas. Mercedez Lucke-Benedict, LMT, craniosacral therapist at Medicine Wheel Dental and Wellness, will discuss the benefits of releasing emotional issues through bodywork and also speak about Dr. Steve Swidler’s invention, “The Percussion Table” (with benefits such as boosting the metabolism, unwinding emotions trapped in the fascia and facilitating overall wellness).
“This is a one-of-a-kind program covering all the bases,” says Lucke-Benedict, who has personally gone through all aspects of this program. “The benefits are life altering. Think of releasing what stops you from success: your thoughts, stubborn fat, nutrition needs are not met, lack of emotional support. Our supportive, caring, expert team can help all of these issues.”
Seating is limited, so please call to reserve a seat. Location: 4650 W. Jojoba Dr., Tucson. For more information, call 520-743-7101, email [email protected] or visit MedicineWheelWellness.com. See ad, back cover.