Find Private Sanctuary at Santa Rita Springs

In the heart of Tucson behind a turquoise gate, one can find Santa Rita Springs, a private sanctuary for people seeking to restore good health after a life-changing diagnosis, personal loss, physical injury, surgery or trauma. At this peaceful oasis, guests can receive unique treatments from licensed massage therapists and attend classes with experienced movement specialists, in the comfort and safety of a small, indoor saltwater pool.
“Spend some quiet, pain-free time floating nearly weightless, supported by salt water warmed to body temperature. Regain hope by appreciating your body, by offering yourself relief from pain without harsh drugs,” says owner Dorothy Richmond, a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Richmond created this oasis (“with a lot of help”, she notes) in order to share the remarkable treasure of warm water therapies. Completed in 2007, the pool house opened for classes, aquatic massage, trainings, movement therapy and celebrations.
Richmond has offered Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranial-Sacral Therapy and integrative massage starting in 1983. Since she began to learn Aquatic Massage, or Watsu, with Elaine Marie at Harbin Hotsprings, her own warm therapy pool at Santa Rita Springs was an unforgettable dream. “Providing sessions at an internationally known health resort, I saw that the benefits of all the methods I had already practiced on land are profoundly enhanced by working in warm water,” she says.
Guests enjoy a hot shower, filtered drinking water, surround-sound music and a warm waterfall that trickles into the pool. A casita near the pool house is ideal for small groups to explore yoga, Yamuna Ball Rolling, Biosomatics, meditation or sensory awareness. In the garden there is a brick patio with fire pit for evening gatherings, as well as a gas grill for cooking out.
Therapists currently offer classes including: Ai Chi, Aquacize, Aquatic Massage, Cranial-Sacral Therapy and Jin Shin Jyutsu, Aqua Yoga, Flowing with Water, Susquehanna Aquatic Reflexology and Watsu, in the warm saltwater.
For more information, call 520-990-1857, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 54.