Find Your Voice at Sarah’s School for Speech in Song

Sarah’s School for Speech in Song is a philosophy and practice that uses specific exercises to “unveil” the singing voice that resides in everyone. SSSS offers private, group and classroom lessons, and the school is not age specific.
The foundational philosophy of SSSS is that everyone has a voice and it is perfect. The singing lesson has exercises that have an inherent therapeutic force, gentle and respective of the natural function of the human body and heals as it moves in an inner stream. The perfection of voice expresses itself as the physical body conforms to this inner stream.
Two distinct sounds are taught: speech and musical—the mechanical and ethereal. With the exercises that address the speech organization, students have consistently shown improvement, and this is important because it is through speech that sound takes form. The musical sound sings the “essence” of word and this element is the constant, unconstrained flowing principle, the inner stream. We access this sound through breath and its attendant tone. The first exercises are about “forgetting about breathing”.
After training separately, this school brings the two distinct sounds together in an organic, natural way to give birth to voice, the creative power in us all. Attention is on sensing the inner environment and supporting the fullness and quality of tone rather than the projection of sound. This approach fosters the sounds to arise and resonate.
For more information, call 520-661-6666, email [email protected] or visit Like them on Facebook for updates on weekly group classes and events.