September 2019 Letter From Publishers
Sep 13, 2019 07:40PM ● By Holly Baker
As we breeze into fall, vitality is the watchword for recharging batteries. Zachary Saber offers a guide to ward off inflammation and the visual and physical effects of aging in “The Effects of Bodywork on Aging”. He explains some aspects of aging that can be changed drastically by the use of various types of bodywork.
We also celebrate National Yoga Month with Marlaina Donato’s take on “The Power of Yoga: Tapping Into the Life Force.” Another potent stress-buster, yoga’s contribution to mind-body fitness is proving to be a reliable defense against age-related loss of mobility, cardiovascular disease and depression.
In our Plant Medicine section, J. Garnet notes some important studies on seasonal allergy remedies. Millions of Americans suffer from allergy symptoms for much of the year, and many rely on over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines. He gives some great alternatives to those harmful habits, which may come in handy this fall.
Onward to September!