February 2021 Letter From Publisher
Jan 30, 2021 08:02PM ● By Holly Baker
Holly Baker
As is February tradition, we are shining a spotlight on the heart. In this issue, we take a look at all aspects of living a heart-centered life.
With love,
Our feature article by Ronica O’Hara, “Live a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle” (page 20), highlights some ways to help prevent heart disease, from the ideal diet, to supplements and mindfulness. In “Heartfelt Eating” (page 24), April Thompson zeroes in further on ways that we can eat for optimal heart health. Whether trying the DASH diet, Mediterranean foods, a plant-based diet or a combination of several, there are plenty of words of wisdom here about what foods make our hearts happiest.
Of course, this may also be a time that many of us are checking in on the health of our romantic relationships. On page 18, Diana Daffner talks about our Romance Toolkit. What tools do we have to better understand ourselves and our partner’s needs? Are we communicating to the best of our ability? Taking a moment to contemplate these things could be the best Valentine’s Day gift.
What seems to be true of all these different aspects of healthy living, is that what is healthy for our hearts is healthy for our lives all around. When we focus on our hearts, we gain insight into what makes us happiest, healthiest and whole.
With love,