Tucson Dowsers Heal and Clear Energies
Jul 30, 2021 07:00AM ● By Katta Mapes
photo credit Dowsers.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/contact-dowsers-800-x-600.jpg
Tucson is fortunate to have one of the longest running local chapters of the American Society of Dowsers. At monthly meetings—now virtual—the group features presentations by expert dowsers from all over the world. There are so many facets and dynamics to dowsing, both with and without devices, to find things and information, or to heal and clear unwanted energies.
Common dowsing protocols begin by asking these questions on the ethics of a dowsing event:
• May I? Do I have permission to do this work?
• Can I? Do I have the ability to successfully dowse in this area? Am I ready?
• Should I? Is this the right time and is it okay for me to dowse on this?
Learn More About Dowsing
Attend the Tucson Dowsers monthly Zoom meetings on the first Saturday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Their website also lists dowser meetings in other locations. At this point the group depends on optional donations, but may move to a membership program in order to be able to cover all expenses. Gonzalez says that, because these meetings are now virtual, the group is now able to provide a broad range of dynamic and experienced speakers on all aspects of dowsing. The site has links to current and past events.
Katta Mapes, M.A., M.Ed. is a freelance writer, book author and long-time dowser who is dedicated to promoting social, emotional and spiritual well-being for all. Connect at [email protected] (hablo español).
Carol Dickmar, Treasurer and Secretary for the Tucson Dowsers, explains that, “Dowsing is all about intention.” The motto listed on the home page for the Tucson Dowsers, TucsonDowsers.net, is “Accessing our higher selves with focused intent, for the benefit of all.”
Anyone can learn to dowse. Beginners typically start by using a tool or device such as metal rods that are shaped either as a “Y” or an “L”. Another common tool is a pendulum—an object that dangles at the end of a string or chain. Once they learn the basics, students may advance to deviceless dowsing.
At the Tucson Dowsers June meeting, Heather Wilks, Vice President of the Victoria Society of Dowsers in Melbourne, Australia, shared the ways she uses dowsing to work closely with the Nature Spirits in her own country and other places: to alleviate serious drought, bushfires, blizzards, cyclones and floods. Since that meeting, which is available as a recording on the Tucson Dowsers website, the Tucson Dowsers hold a weekly 15-minute session for group dowsing with the intention of increasing rain locally—in appropriate amounts.
Common dowsing protocols begin by asking these questions on the ethics of a dowsing event:
• May I? Do I have permission to do this work?
• Can I? Do I have the ability to successfully dowse in this area? Am I ready?
• Should I? Is this the right time and is it okay for me to dowse on this?
Dr. Theresa Gonzalez, President of the Tucson Dowsers, always sets the intention for the most benevolent outcome.
At the July meeting, Cynthia Sue Larson, author of Reality Shifts and other books on causality and consciousness, shared her experiences with dowsing as it relates to quantum physics. She has learned to trust her intuition and dowse with her body. She advises, “Follow your feet.”
Dowsing organizations recognize respected “Sky Dowsers” who have died after leaving a legacy of new and old wisdom about all manner of dowsing. Tucson dowser, Barrie Herr, suggests that all dowsing groups make a concerted effort to bring in young people so that this ancient intuitive art will survive beyond the older, more experienced dowsers.
Learn More About Dowsing
Attend the Tucson Dowsers monthly Zoom meetings on the first Saturday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Their website also lists dowser meetings in other locations. At this point the group depends on optional donations, but may move to a membership program in order to be able to cover all expenses. Gonzalez says that, because these meetings are now virtual, the group is now able to provide a broad range of dynamic and experienced speakers on all aspects of dowsing. The site has links to current and past events.
Attend the biennial Flagstaff Dowsers Conference with in-person workshops and classes, October 6 to 12, at the Little America Hotel. Register at DowsersSouthwest.com. Beginning dowsers and youth can take the special schools before and during the conference. Advanced dowsers can take special schools before the conference. On Saturday afternoon, Gonzalez, a Tucson veterinarian, will share her wisdom and experience in her talk: “Our Animal Companions – Simple Tips for Amazing Results: Dowsing to Improve Communication and Ensure the Health and Wellbeing of our Furry, Feathered and Scaled Friends.” Check out The American Society of Dowsers, located in Danville, Vermont. Contact them at Dowsers.org.
Katta Mapes, M.A., M.Ed. is a freelance writer, book author and long-time dowser who is dedicated to promoting social, emotional and spiritual well-being for all. Connect at [email protected] (hablo español).