August 2021 Letter From Publisher
Jul 30, 2021 07:01AM ● By Holly Baker
Holly Baker
We all want to be happy. It’s one of the things most humans have in common—we seek out that which brings us happiness. But how do we bring the most happiness into our lives?
This month, we’re discussing how to “Think Yourself Happy” with seven ways to change your mind and be happier, on page 19. Whether through meditation or gratitude, or reframing your negative experiences to be positives, there are plenty of ways to practice more positivity and earn more happiness in return.
In order to find more happiness, many of us could use the help of a life coach. On page 22, learn how working with a life coach can help you “Unleash Your True Potential”. Coaches can help us figure out where we want to go in life, get past limiting beliefs and
discover goals that we didn’t realize we had.If this issue sparks that yearning for you, check out the Community Resource Guide, on page 31, for practitioners of all kinds that are here in Tucson to help you reach your goals and full potential—and get happy!
Holly Baker, publisher