Broken Heart Syndrome

Our hearts have been through so much these last few years. Many hearts have been broken or torn apart with tragedy or grief. There actually is a disorder called Takotsubo, or Broken Heart Syndrome.
Dr. DeeAnn Saber practices at Transformational Medicine, located at 2028 E Prince Rd, in Tucson. Connect at See ad, page 2.
Broken heart syndrome is described as a heart condition which can be brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions, including serious physical illness or surgery. People with this condition may experience sudden chest pain or feel like they are having a heart attack. Broken heart syndrome can be temporary or last long after the heart has healed.
But the heart can be healed and strengthened with love, time and the proper support. This could include connecting to those who love you and are willing to listen, staying off junk food and alcohol, exercising, staying well hydrated and giving the heart the proper supplementation like Hawthorn Root (a gentle heart muscle strengthener).
Check with a doctor if you have pain, palpitations or a flutter that makes you feel uncomfortable. A cardiologist can do a full heart work-up, including a comprehensive listen to the heart and check of the blood pressure and heart rate. A simple test called HsCRP and an NMR lipid profile can help assess cardiovascular risk. Listen to how you feel, and honor what your heart is telling you. Now is the time to take good care of yourself and your heart.
Dr. DeeAnn Saber practices at Transformational Medicine, located at 2028 E Prince Rd, in Tucson. Connect at See ad, page 2.

Transformational Medicine - 2028 East Prince Road, Tucson, AZ
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