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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Teachers Face Big-Tech Challenges and Opportunities

Teachers Face Big-Tech Challenges and Opportunities

Alexander Limbach/

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the education sector, bringing unprecedented opportunities for personalized learning experiences and teaching assistance. AI can help teachers identify gaps in students' understanding, enabling a swift, tailored response. AI tools can also be used as study aids, reinforcing classroom concepts and driving student engagement.

Two organizations—California-based online educator Khan Academy and Seattle-based computer science education nonprofit—have joined forces to create a free, five-part AI training series for teachers. also offers two instructional videos for teachers, students and the public.

Despite the potential for AI in the classroom, teachers’ contributions remain crucial as facilitators of technology tools to foster enriched learning environments. Teachers can also identify if students are leveraging AI assistance, such as ChatGPT, helping ensure the ethical usage of these tools. Khan Academy, and others are providing teachers and administrators with the tools they will need to keep pace with emerging technology.

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