Tucson Convention Center Drives Revitalization While Paying Homage to the Past

On February 15, Mayor Regina Romero, Fletcher McCusker and other city dignitaries gathered in the heart of the city to honor our past and glimpse the vision of what is yet to come at the Tucson Convention Center (TCC). A ribbon-cutting ceremony unveiled the latest improvements made by the extensive $100 million renovation overseen by the Rio Nuevo District, City of Tucson and a private developer that has transpired at the TCC over the past 10 years.
TCC and Tucson pride themselves on a rich and varied history from thousands of years of indigenous culture from Native American tribes, Spanish missionaries, Mexican Americans and the Chinese immigrants who settled here. Honoring the past as one of the longest continuously lived-in communities in the U.S., and the vibrant tapestry of different cultures associated with that history is an important part of TCC’s mission: to be a “Tucson Cultural Center” that also hosts conventions and arena events and plays a central role in the economic prosperity for the city itself.
For more information, visit RioNuevo.org and TucsonConventionCenter.com.