Journey To Healing

Linda Johns
Journey To Healing
Linda JohnsTucson
[email protected]
I spent most of my childhood outside with nature and animals. This foundation of oneness led me into Shamanic Healing work. The tragic death of my best friend really moved me deeper into this field, as I searched for my own healing and closure. I came across breathwork and, having profound experiences and healing with it, I became a certified breath coach. Watching the body breathe, I could easily map emotions and stuck energies, which led me into a two-year Energy Healing program, and then into Master Teacher levels of Reiki and many other forms of energy work and healing tools.
I believe we are all created perfect and whole, and one can derail from that truth through conditioning, experiences and beliefs. Our heart is always trying to bring us back into alignment with our treasures—that place of remembrance where I belong, I am enough, I am worthy, I am loved and so much more. I realized that my heart’s desire was to lead adventures to spirit.
To expect the unexpected! And be open to healing and change. No two sessions are the same. I offer a grounded, safe, compassionate space, where the client sets the intention for their session. Using my clairvoyant insights, intuitive abilities and 30 years of healing experience and tools, I listen and allow Divine to guide us to the most beneficial healing.
I have created amazing one-day healing retreats in Tucson (check my website for dates and information). I now offer the Bioharmonic Technologies VIBES bed system, that uses sound, frequency and vibration for clearing cellular memory and balancing mental and emotional body. The bed is available for private sessions, is incorporated into some healing sessions and is part of the one-day healing retreats.
We all need to move past the conditioned belief that we are broken, or we need to fix something about ourselves. In a gentle and inspiring manner, I hold the space of oneness to honor the journey you have had and to celebrate and encourage you to come home to yourself within the heart of Divine and create life from that partnership.

Journey to Healing - NA, Tucson, AZ
Alternative Health: Announcing the Bio Harmonic technologies V.I.B.E.S Bed Vibrational Individualized Body Enhancement System — a delivery system that uses sound, frequency, and vibration... Read More »