The Essential Role of Women During the Current Polarity Shift
May 01, 2024 09:00AM ● By Lance J. Morris, NMD
by Eugenio Marongiu on AdobeStock
If we look at the modern world around us, it seems on initial observation that “things are falling apart”. This is being reflected in our personal lives, families, coworkers and throughout the world. The evidence seems clear. More war, famine, hatred, distrust, severe weather changes, economic crisis, disease and the list goes on.
These observations, although real, need to be taken from a broader and longer contextual framework to be understood. As humans, we are very good at seeing and interpreting things in a short context. We often make important life choices based on very limited data. Our historical ability to look at the “big picture” often falls short. Let’s instead suggest that “things are coming together”.
It has been said that history repeats itself. This saying is derived from the premise that humans have demonstrated, time and again, a lack of ability to learn and change based on historical experiences.
Part of the nature of reality is its cyclical patterns. Many of these recurring patterns are self-evident—the rising and setting of the sun and moon, the stages of birth, maturation, degradation and death—from plants, insects, animals, humans, planets, stars and galaxies. Other cyclical patterns may be more obscure: weather changes versus climate change, economic investment cycles. If you look at any graphic chart of the stock market, from any era, you will consistently see a wave form. It goes up and down. Rinse and repeat.
Perhaps the primary cyclical change that the Mayan Calendar was alluding to is the current geomagnetic polar reversal. These reversals are well documented and occur between .1- and 1-million-year intervals. The last major reversal was the Brunhes-Matuyama, approximately 780,000 years ago. The actual reversals themselves usually last between 1,000 and 10,000 years. There is evidence that a full reversal has happened in as little as a human lifespan.
A growing body of evidence suggests that we may currently be in such a reversal. Why are birds flying off their normal migration routes? Why are whales beaching themselves? We know that many organisms have extremely sensitive magnetic sensory apparatus in their bodies. Magnetoreception is a sense which allows an organism to detect the Earth’s magnetic field. Animals with this sense include some arthropods, mollusks and vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). Currently on our planet there are fluctuating zones of magnetic anomaly everywhere. The largest area is called the South Atlantic Anomaly—an area about half the size of Antarctica.
How sensitive are humans to this influence? At this point the scientific evidence is not clear, but one could conjecture that the Earth’s magnetism has a profound effect on humans. Imagine the North Pole’s negative charge and the South Pole’s positive charge flipping.
In Oriental Medicine the terms Yin and Yang are designated to identify negative and positive polarity respectively. Yin is the feminine and Yang is the masculine. If the masculine and feminine energies are in flux, in parallel with Earth, this is having a destabilizing effect on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
This is the time of the great awakening/remembering. This is the shift of the ages. We are flipping from a male overlord driven world back to the Earth mother, feminine, nurturing, empathic, kind, open, giving and loving world.
Women all over the world are coming into their own across disciplines, titles and functions. Women in business, academia, science, politics and the fine arts are rising to the top.
If we are dogmatic and fixated in our perception, world view and choices we will be ripped asunder both literally and figuratively. This is the plight of the old paradigm in decline. To the extent that we can be “grounded” physically to our Earth Mother and hold an unconditional, loving, tolerant stance, like a willow in the wind—able to bend to an extreme, yet not break—we will not only survive but thrive. This is our future. See it, feel it, be it.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE: Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See web... Read More »