Celia Farran Performs at CSLT

Celia Farran
Celia Farran, a dynamic presenter of music, song and message, will bring her multi-talented performance to Center for Spiritual Living Tucson’s Sunday service on July 7, from 9:30 to 10:45am. The service is in-person and also available on Zoom.
Farran is a singer, songwriter, looping and recording artist, sound healer, producer, comedienne and activist. Farran gifts listeners with a warm, deep and resonating experience touching your heart, your skin and your whole being.
Farran often uses sophisticated “looping” technology to perform duets, trios and even larger ensembles with herself—all live and in real time. The result is an amazing listening experience for the audience. She has been described as a cross between an Earthy Enya, Joan Baez and Tina Fey, serving up the most delicious concoction of the silly and the sacred. Farran has opened for notable authors Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Donna Eden and Swami Beyondananda.

Center for Spiritual Living Tucson - 3322 E Fort Lowell Rd, Tucson, AZ
Spiritual Teachings: A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. You can learn about us at TucsonCSL.org Celebration Service 9:30am, Meditation 9am. For ... Read More »