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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Wellness, Home & Resource Expo Comes to Downtown Tucson

Southwest Home & Wellness Events is hosting a Wellness, Home & Resource Expo at Sea of Glass Event Center in downtown Tucson in the historic Fourth Avenue neighborhood, on September 14, from 11am to 3pm. The event is currently seeking sponsors and participants interested in a great opportunity to meet hundreds of Tucson residents and share your organization’s services and resources.

The expo, free and open to the public, will fall on “Second Saturday”, a once-a-month downtown celebration featuring live bands and food trucks, so there are sure to be many locals in town. It will also allow your organization/business to introduce your services to hundreds of students who have newly moved to Tucson U of A for their first semester and unaware of all the diverse, wonderful services Tucson has to offer.

The Sea of Glass Event Center is a nonprofit venue, with all their rental cost proceeds going to Global Change through music and art. The expo will be working with different advertisement options including numerous street signs, local Tucson newsletters, displayed flyers in local shops, student campus areas, housing and displayed in local downtown eateries frequented by many Tucson residents.

For more information and to register, email [email protected] or visit Location: Sea of Glass Event Center, 330 E 7th St, Tucson.
Coming in May 2025
Deadline April 12th. Email [email protected] today for details.


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