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Natural Awakenings Tucson

September 2024 Letter From Publisher

Aug 31, 2024 12:00PM ● By Holly Baker

Holly Baker

A major focus on a very important subject—emotional healing. Our feature story, “Stopping the Trauma Cycle”, covers the many possible causes of trauma that we can experience, how these events can affect our health and what we can do to heal and move past difficult experiences.
In “Healing Power of Therapy Dogs” on page 22, learn how animals have dramatically helped sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), providing comfort and healing to people during stressful and anxious episodes so that they can get back to enjoying life.

Appropriately, September is also National Yoga Awareness Month, so we are talking about the benefits that yoga has on trauma and other mind-body challenges in the Fit Body section (page 12). It is truly incredible how moving our bodies and focusing on the things we are feeling physically can impact how we are feeling mentally.

Wherever you are on your healing journey, know that you are far from alone. It is important to remember that you never know what any person is really going through—and you are probably surrounded by others who can relate more than you know. We are all on this journey called life together, and we could all use some extra courage and kindness.

Love and light,

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