Book Review: Dancing with God by Sadhu Singh Khalsa

“Dancing with God” by Sadhu Singh Khalsa invites readers to question some of humanity’s deeply held beliefs. Khalsa opens with a bold challenge: “Let’s take one fundamental belief of many Christians—that you are born in sin, and you are going to hell,” he says. “Who originally said that? Would God have actually declared that something is wrong with you from the start? More importantly, is this the reality we’d want to welcome a new soul into? Imagine instead saying, ‘We recognize you as a galactic human being, welcome to Earth. We are here to support you on your journey.’ See the difference in feeling and message?”
Khalsa is clear about the book’s purpose: to elevate awareness and consciousness. “That’s the main task of ‘Dancing with God,” he explains. “As a society, we cannot continue to harm each other and expect to survive as one. The way forward is understanding who we are and why we came to Earth.”
Drawing on the Hopi belief that “we are the people we’ve been waiting for,” Khalsa urges action. “If we embrace the idea that we are galactic beings here to evolve our souls, then there is hope for all of us. An evolved human does not destroy anything.”
Throughout the book, Khalsa poses thought-provoking questions for readers to explore: Where do you believe you came from? Who are you, and how do you define yourself? Why are you here, and what is your purpose? What do you believe your destination is, and how will you know when you’ve arrived?
He also shares his personal journey, and the wisdom gained along the way. In the final chapters, Khalsa offers suggestions for healing both ourselves and the planet.