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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Letter from the Editor

As a child, I loved watching birds—and drawing birds—birds flying, birds eating worms, birds perched in a tree. Over and over and over, I drew birds. I also drew on my Raggedy Ann doll. Oh, how I loved her and Andy. I loved them more than any other dolls and at least equally as much my pet buddies—about a dozen hamsters.

I love to think of those times when art and play were one, and it wasn’t judged or evaluated or scheduled. I miss that free, open time to just be and create. Like many, for the most part I stopped drawing and creating just for fun as I got older. I began to compare my work to others’ and received
a grade in school on my art.

These days, I try to schedule art and play, but often struggle with settling down, switching gears and just allowing the creative process to unfold. It’s a shame that our industrial society seems to place such a low value on creativity, as if it doesn’t have equal value with making utilitarian, commercial products.

But that’s a misguided notion. After all, every product ever made was once just a blueprint, just a sketch, just an idea. Somebody had to create it. We tend to classify art as a luxury, a leisure activity, but in truth, it is the wellspring of all thought, all deed, all cultures, all civilization. You can read about a few of its many facets right here in these pages, so why not begin now?

In this same vein, we’re thrilled to partner with the Bridge Eco-Village to launch the first Natural Awakenings Fall Harvest Festival to be held on October 22 and 23. We’re planning on letting down our hair and having some real fun while learning options for living more and more in harmony with the Earth, our neighbors and fellow human beings.

See you on the 22nd!


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