Bodil Holstein Offers Continental Therapies
Scandinavian reflexology can determine what is going on in the body and what is needed to bring balance to our systems by helping to relieve the stress of illnesses and balance the organs. Scandinavian reflexology is very different from most reflexology practiced in the U.S. It requires three years of training at the RN level in Scandinavia and is used in hospital treatments there.
Bodil Holstein, a native of Denmark, is a trained and certified Scandinavian reflexologist 25 years experience in the natural health field. She studied natural health in Europe for 12 years and has lectured and given workshops all over the world. Holstein also provides individual consultations.
She also employs various other healing practices, such cleansing the mind of toxic thoughts using The Sedona Method; eating whole, wild crafted foods; and utilizing the health giving properties of alkaline water. Holstein offers a European diagnostic tool, The Radestesi Test, which scans the body and advises individuals how to gain better health.
Call 520-609-7016 for more information and a schedule of workshops.