Learn Energy Medicine Techniques
Dr. Nancy Clark
Energy Medicine is the future. Well over one-third of the U.S. population uses complementary and alternative medicine, and that number is increasing every year. Many people are interested in learning energy techniques to help themselves and their loved ones. Practitioners study so they can incorporate methods into their practices. Energy therapies have been shown to be safe and effective.
Many people have studied energy medicine from various teachers over the past three decades. However, Dr. Nancy Clark is a natural medical intuitive as the result of spontaneously seeing into the body. None of her techniques were taught by other teachers, so training with her is unique. Clark’s seminars have been taught around the world for more than 20 years.
The course is taught on four levels. The first level includes all the basics for working on one’s self or others. It is now understood that thoughts and emotions are the major contributors to health or illness. Studies show negative reactions result in energy distortions or even breaks. When this happens, people have pain that leads to disease. Modalities taught by Clark lead to a quick resolution of most problems, especially eliminating pain.
For more information, call AZ Integrative Therapies at 520-721-0220 or visit EnergyHealing.com.