Carla Woody to Speak at Unity of Tucson

Carla Woody
IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) Tucson Community Group will present a talk by Carla Woody, MA, CHT, on the topic of Questions We Live By, at 6:30 p.m., September 7, at Unity of Tucson, where she will introduce The Re-Membering Process, a model of spiritual evolution.
Woody is the author of Standing Stark and Calling Our Spirits Home, plus articles about natural healing and advocacy related to native cultures experiencing decimation. She has many years’ direct experience with the Q’ero, Maya and Hopi peoples and founded Kenosis to serve human potential and direct the vision of “One tribe, one world.”
In 2007, she established Kenosis Spirit Keepers, whose mission seeks to help preserve indigenous wisdom traditions. Woody leads spiritual travel programs and captures the essence of ceremony and place through oil, mixed media and photography.
Suggested donation $5. Location: 3719 N. Camino Blanco. For more information, call 520-399-8285 or visit