2012 Process Art Journal Daily Practice

Kira Freed
Inspired by Julie & Julia, a film about a woman that challenges herself to cook all the recipes in Julia Child’s first book in one year, Kira Freed, MA, BCC, LPC, a certified life/ wellness coach and process artist, is engaged in a daily process art practice for all of 2012.
Process Art Journal emerged from Freed’s longstanding passion for process art, combined with a desire to do something transformational
every day for a year. Her intention is to consciously change the center of gravity of her life by cultivating greater presence and attunement to
her intuition. The practice is also an opportunity to unplug from daily pressures and regularly incorporate more flow into her life.
Blog posts include daily reflections and process art, along with occasional nature photography from morning walks. The website also includes information and resources for others interested in pursuing process art. People who do process art are invited to submit a photograph and one or two paragraphs of text for the community page.
For more information, 520-615-8615, email [email protected] or visit ProcessArtJournal.com.