Letter from the Publisher

Holly Baker
The best way to predict the future is to create it. ~Peter Drucker
Our imagination has the ability to expand our vision and explore realms beyond time and space, where no one has gone before. Likewise, it is a key attribute in creating a life we love to live. You can change your reality by grabbing hold of life and finding that place in your heart to dream again.
We know that fear is one of the greatest enemies of an open and creative mind, so do not hide from our true nature, but allow the development of courage, creativity and love to become the light guiding your actions and dreams. Your future you is depending on you.
What would you choose to do with your life and energy if you knew that it would succeed? What would you do if you felt secure enough to allow yourself the free time to live your passion? You can jumpstart your life through self-creation; your future is whatever you decide it is going to be. However, weaving a new tapestry that transforms your life may require you to make a decisive break with routine to find your inner self and your spirit.
For opportunities to act on your creative interests, read our main feature, “Exploring Our Creative Side, Engaging in Community Arts Brings Unexpected Rewards.” Group participation in the arts is beneficial on many levels and positively affects your immune system, too.
In our Inspiration department, in honor of World Peace Day, September 21, read about how painter Franck de Las Mercedes, of New York City, carries his message of peace, along with more than 100 schools across the nation, through a unique, serendipitous, form of art.
Early habits of saving, spending within our means and giving serve to ensure a financially secure future. Read “Making Allowance: Learning to Manage Money at a Young Age,” in our Healthy Kids department, to find tips that encourage your child’s entrepreneurial spirit to think of creative ways to earn and manage money.
It is really important to me to be a part of something bigger than myself. I feel so blessed to be so creative with my Natural Awakenings family. With a heartfelt intent, we help guide others to a healthier, more balanced life. I love and feel so passionate about my work that I have no plans to ever retire.
Our imagination and creativity expands the way we see ourselves and our environment. Through harmonious development of our mind and heart, we all have the power to give birth to new worlds. The world is in need of visionaries, and without a sense of vision and imagination, there can be no peaceful present.
Dream on… and allow your magic to emerge.