The Importance of Colon Health

A healthy colon plays a vital part in our overall wellbeing. As the waste disposal system of the body, if not properly maintained, it will malfunction or clog. Because of this, regular internal cleansing to remove poisons, toxins, harmful bacteria and parasites must become a real priority to achieve and maintain good health.
We can eat the best diet and take the highest quality supplements, but if the body contains waste products recirculating through the bloodstream and depositing toxicity into our weakest organs, good health will continue to elude us. Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent way to soak, loosen and clean out old waste buildup and accumulated debris and toxins. Colon cleansing done with any detox program or even a change to a better diet will accelerate this process.
Colon hydrotherapy comprises a gentle infusion of water into the bowel, which makes up the last five to six feet of the intestinal tract. The water gently soaks and softens hardened fecal material that may have been in the colon for years. The closed circulation hydrotherapy system creates no mess or smell. Lying comfortably on their back, totally covered, clients are able to watch this process if desired.
All instruments are disposable, so a sterile package setup is used for each procedure. The water is purified using four filters and an ultraviolet light.
The only side effect is that of feeling better by eliminating “old stuff” that no longer serves a purpose.
Sandra Joy is a colon hydrotherapist in Tucson at Skyline Healthworks, 3966 East Pima. Contact her for a free consultation at 520-299-5158.