The Puppets are Taking Over

Body and Sol Productions hails Babs and Hollycakes as the new SpokesPuppets for the show. Co-founders Barbara Peters and Holly Baker were humbled and surprised to discover that they did not quite have the Hollywood glam look they imagined on camera during their first video taping attempt to introduce the faces behind the Body and Sol Women’s Expo coming next March 8 and 9 at the Tucson Convention Center.
To the rescue came Rose Mayor, of The Puppet Lady, who saved the ill-fated “film” when she suggested substituting puppets for the camera-shy Barbara and Holly, and Babs and Hollycakes were born. Watch for these two as the Expo nears and view the video at
The Puppet Lady offers memorable puppet-making birthday parties for all kids and make-and-take puppet parties for all ages. Rose and her puppets will be amusing the Expo crowd with delightful performances and demonstrations.
There’s something for everyone at the Expo, so begin making plans today. Contact co-founders Holly Baker 520-760-2378 and Barbara Peters, 520-468-8005 or visit