Experience Powerful Golden Pyramid Meditation

Rev. Betty Tatalajski
The Golden Pyramid Meditation, facilitated by Rev. Yazdi Contractor, of the Temple of Universality, and Howard Milwich, will be available in Tucson from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning in January, 2014.
The Golden Pyramid Meditation was given to Rev. Betty Tatalajski, of The Temple of Universality, by the Ascended Master St. Germain. Within the Golden Pyramid there are seven planes. Each plane is governed by an Ascended Master, an Archangel, a chakra, a color and a divine principle. The meditation visits all seven planes, and this builds the antakarana, also known as the Rainbow Bridge, or the Bridge to Freedom.
Location: 3870 W. River Rd., Ste. 120. For more information, call 520-744-4402, email [email protected] or visit TheTempleOfUniversality.org.