Letter From Publisher

No matter how you feel about the Affordable Care Act, change is in the air and the beginning of a brand-new year is a good time to review our options. Related to, yet distinctly different than the financial impact of medical and wellness cost is the path of prevention and treatment we choose and the professionals that accompany us on the journey.
After reading our feature, “Build Your Own Wellness Dream Team,” by Kathleen Barnes, you may gain a new perspective of the options and their importance to long-term health goals. Our own Dale Bruder explores the potential impact on holistic medicine specifically, in “Holistic Medicine in the New Affordable Care Act Era,” which will particularly affect our readers.
We’re having something of an anniversary here. It was 20 years ago this month that Sharon Bruckman published the first issue of Natural Awakenings in Naples, Florida. Under her leadership, what began as a single print publication has grown to 90 editions across the country, a web store, discount card network, dating site and iPhone app, with much more in the works. Stay tuned—the best is yet to come.
I want to remind everyone that 2014 is also the inaugural year for our Body & Sol Women’s Expo, to be held March 8 and 9 at the Tucson Convention Center, and time is running out for exhibitors to reserve their spaces. We’re looking to meet at least 3,000 people at this big-league event, and we’re having a big sneak-peak event at the Genesis Natural Wellness Center on January 9.
Inside this issue you’ll find great information and advice about getting your finances in order, maximizing the benefits of whole foods and even keeping your beloved pets alive longer. It’s a new day and a new year, so go out there and seize it!
Happy New Year!