Neuro Quant MRI Brain Analysis Now Available in Tucson
Mary Ackerley
Mary Ackerley, M.D., M.D. (H.), of My Passion 4 Health, PLLC, now offers a new brain MRI analysis tool called Neuro Quant, which can help clarify brain dysfunctions by mapping brain centers. The Neuro Quant interpretation differentiates between classical dementia and biotoxin mediated illness from mycotoxins or Lyme disease, since biotoxins lead to swelling or atrophy of the brain.
Ackerley treats patients experiencing cognitive decline, memory loss and mental confusion. “When these symptoms occur, some women feel it is age-related or hormonal, yet many are concerned they may have something serious like Alzheimer’s disease,” she says. “Recent findings suggest that disturbances from biotoxin exposure are confused with symptoms of aging.”
Ackerley is a classically trained, board-certified psychiatrist, a specialist in biotoxin illness and a member of the Arizona Integrative and Homeopathic Medical Board. She has written numerous articles, which can be found on her website.
Location: 7533 N. Window Peak Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-299-5694, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 30.